Airport Rates & Fees
General Aviation – Subject to Airport Use Fees
Download our General Aviation Airport Use Fees ListAir Cargo – Subject to Airport Use Fees unless under Coos County Airport District agreement/contract
FAA Part 121 Commercial Air Service – Determined by current landing fees/contract or RFP
Current Rates & Fees:

Southwest Oregon Regional Airport is committed to providing safe and effective facilities to airport customers. All fees and charges assessed are used to ensure the runway, taxiway, apron and other airfield areas meet FAA standards, to maintain electrical systems and other important infrastructure, and to provide staffing to monitor airport safety.
The FAA requires that airports maintain a fee and rental structure for the facilities and services which will make the airport as self-sufficient as possible (Grant Assurance #24).
Airport Use, Commercial Hangar & Overnight Fees are determined by a combination of an aircraft’s square footage (ramp space used), weight, number of seats, engine type, and insurance liability. Please download rate charts provided below for more information.
Purchase a minimum of $25 in aviation fuel at the OTH FBO and receive a credit on your Airport Use Fees up to $25. This credit does not apply to Commercial Hangar or Overnight Fees.
Payment can be arranged through the FBO as part of your visit, or invoices are sent regularly on Mondays. Payment is accepted via cash, check, credit card or AvCard. For more information or to pay by telephone, please contact our Administration Office at 541-756-8531.
Download our General Aviation Airport Use Fees ListDownload our Commercial Hangar Fees List