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Vehicle Parking is Free

CCAD Policy 14: 4.4.3 - "No person shall park, store or permit to be stored an inoperative, damaged, or abandoned vehicle, or any major part thereof, on airport property, including leased property, except with the advance written consent of the Executive Director."

Any vehicle parked in excess of thirty (30) days without prior approval may be considered abandoned and is subject to be removed from the airport at the owner's expense. 

Please call 541-756-8531 if you have any questions about parking at the Southwest Oregon Regional Airport. 


Airport parking layout showing ADA access, Enterprise, Hertz, and shuttle bus areas near terminal.
Image depicts three parking areas. Parking Area 1 is closest to the terminal and consists of ADA access, rental cars, and shuttle bus parking. Area 2, located second closest to the terminal, is for short-term parking. Area 3, furthest from the terminal, is for long-term parking.
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