Seasonal Denver Will Run Daily in 2025

26 December 2024
(North Bend, OR)—United has provided some holiday cheer a little early after agreeing to provide daily seasonal service to and from Denver from the Southwest Oregon Regional Airport (OTH) in North Bend. Typically, nonstop service is available two days a week from May through October. However, in 2025, passengers will have more opportunities to connect through Denver International Airport (DEN).
In recent years, the Denver route has experienced continued growth reaching a record in 2022 and again in 2023. This year, 6000 passengers used Denver to make travel connections to and from the south coast. Airport Executive Director, Rodger Craddock says that’s a 15 percent increase to the Denver route. Improving scheduling opportunities such as Denver and daily San Francisco benefits South Coast residents. He believes it shows. “When travelers have these expanded opportunities, they take advantage of them. That benefits not only our citizens but the Coos County Airport District (CCAD) while strengthening the economic vitality of the south coast region.”

The CCAD board’s primary goal is to increase routes and opportunities for commuters. While the focus continues to be securing a northbound route, Craddock says he continues to look for tourist destination routes. “We are continuing to reach out to Alaska Airlines and others hoping to re-establish Portland and other tourist destinations.”
In the meantime, the announcement for daily options through Denver in 2025 is welcome news. It is a major gateway for tourists visiting the south coast and it provides expanded travel options for residents to get to their destinations. It is also timely with Hertz Car Rentals reopening at the airport following a two-year hiatus. “Air Travel is booming. It is a great feeder for many other important services and businesses that benefit rural residents. We are excited about the future of the Southwest Oregon Regional Airport.”
The Coos County Airport District owns and operates the Southwest Oregon Regional Airport and provides a critical service to citizens on the South Coast. The airport is a vital part of the state's aviation plan that links to the Oregon Transportation Plan, a long-range vision and policy foundation to guide transportation system development and investment.